Big Art Fair help and resources | Herts Visual Arts

Our Application Guidelines document includes content from a number of Big Art Fair pages in one handy document.  We recommend that you download it for reference.

Registration Dates

Registration for BAF 23 is now closed.

What does it cost?

  • 2mx2m professional white screen provided for you to hang your own work: £75 (44 available)
  • 2m table plus chair provided for you (you provide table cover): £75 (up to 12 to be confirmed)
  • All artists - artist-supplied card basket (we may need to specify maximum dimensions/number of cards): +£5
  • All artists - artist-supplied browser (we may need to specify maximum dimensions/number of unframed work/prints):+£5
  • Table artists - optional 6ftx2ft gridwall supplied by Herts Visual Arts: +£5

There is no commission on sales, however, if you sell, you may like to consider donating a % to support HVAF and our events.

Please help our community volunteers and yourself by uploading your submissions well before the close deadline. You can submit up to one piece for entry into BAF's flipbook and video during the upload window. these must be items that you have on display in Hitchin.

  • Read guidelines below.

How do I prepare for exhibiting in Hitchin Town Hall?

Full information on preparing for this weekend will be updated as we approach the event, and will feature in our support sessions. While overall guidelines for the event are the same for everyone, there are differences in the detail for table and screen artists.

All Artists

Labelling your work is a critical element of making sure that your work can be correctly identified (and hopefully sold) as your work and not someone else’s. The organisers, customers and artists all rely on this.

  • All work must be clearly labelled with the artist’s name, the title of the work and the price.
  • This must be clearly visible for visitors to see and also firmly attached to the rear of the work itself, so that any purchaser also has that same information to take away with them.
  • Please take any and all packaging materials away with you when you have set up – there are no storage facilities for this. Then of course, bring it all back at the end of the event at 4pm on Sunday for collecting/wrapping your unsold work.
  • Artist profile: If you would like to, you can print out an artist profile and attach it to your screen/table. This may or may not include any contact details, as you wish
  • Business Cards: You may wish to attach a very small business card holder to your screen or place them on your table. Card holders on screens may not interfere  with traffic flow or obstruct work
  • Browsers: If you have paid to bring your own browser, these will be placed on the stage area. Note that HVAF will not provide any browsers. Browser pieces need to be in cellophane bags with your name & price on the outside so that we can allocate the sales money to the correct artist. No browsers are allowed in front of screens or outside marked table traffic clearance lines.
  • Card Baskets: If you have paid to bring your own card basket for our table, please make sure that it fits our overall dimensions and that you only bring up to the specified maximum number of cards. Note that HVAF will not provide any card baskets. Card baskets will be placed by the sales desk. Your cards need to be in individually wrapped in clear (cellophane) bags with your name and price visible on the outside of every card so that we can allocate the sales money to the correct artist.
  • List of Work: It is vital to bring a list of the work that you are displaying and that you hand this to BAF organisers before leaving after set-up. The list needs to have your name, phone number, title of each piece displayed, price and your bank sort code and account number. Lists will be kept in a folder at the sales desk so that we can keep an accurate record of which artist sells which piece(s) and we will know how much we have to pay each person. A copy of the List of Works form will be available on the website in good time.
  • Replacing sold work: In many cases purchasers like to take the work they have purchased at the time of sale. This is fantastic, however, if it leaves a big gap on your screen/table, we will give you a call and ask you to replace the sold item. That's why we also need your mobile/personal contact phone number on your list of work.
  • Sponsors Award: Each of our sponsors will choose their favourite piece of art work in the show. The artist is awarded with a certificate at the end of the Preview Evening (sorry the funds do not run to a money prize!) You may wish to display your award on your screen/table.
  • Visitors Choice: We are also asking visitors to choose their ‘Best in Show’, which will be awarded on Sunday at the end of the show.

What about publicity materials?

There will be on-line marketing materials available for you to promote the exhibition/your work.

Please use the Big Art Fair logo and promotional content to confirm your participation (available here). Please publicise it on your own social media, web sites or other promotional activities.

HVAF will promote the Big Art Fair through Press Releases, our web site and social media.

There will be a Big Art Fair flipbook and video created from BAF submissions that are received before the deadline and meet our requirements. Depending on the submissions received, we may include some or all entries (we will use at least one/the first image from each artist).

Any work you sell must be safe and suitable for sale.

Tell me about Sales?

  • Sales: Herts Visual Arts is not selling any work, however, the BAF team will be in attendance at all times the event is open and can take sales on your behalf. Herts Visual Arts are not responsible for any commitments or liabilities that may arise from the sale. Your accurate List of Work is vital from the very beginning. There will be special Packing and Sales Desks near the front entrance.
  • Looking after your own space: You are welcome to attend for all or part of the event, look after your own space and take your own sales monies. However, we do ask that you let us know what sales you have made. This enables us to ensure that the sales are accurate, especially if you are only at the Town Hall part of the time. It also gives us an essential indication of the overall event success.


Please read our Big Art Fair Application Guidelines and Terms and Conditions. When you register for this event, you are agreeing to all these.

Before uploading your BAF entries and before arriving to set up your space, please also familiarise yourself with the information you need to provide.  

There may be Explainer Videos that walk you through some of the requirements.

Supporting our community

Herts Visual Arts is run by and for volunteers. The Big Art Fair is an exceptional community event, with fantastic growth opportunities. If you can help the BAF team before, during or after the event, please get in touch:

For BAF, we are looking for volunteers to:

  • Be part of the BAF project team
  • Help the Friday set up
  • Invigilate/sales/wrapping desk Saturday or Sunday
  • Leafleting before or during the event
  • Clear up after the close

There are many other ways in which you can help, including: proof reading, sharing the event, helping in support sessions, encouraging members/new members and generally promoting the event before, during and after. Thank you.

If you would like to further support HVAF and services to members, please consider a donation.