Hillary Taylor
Art Forms
Ceramics, Digital, Glass, Illustration, Mixed Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Textiles
Exhibition and News
Seehttps://www.hillarytaylor.co.uk/events for more details.
Welcome to my Gallery.
Right now, I’m particularly interested in generative art – using programming to create images that change over time.
I’m also working on more 3D pieces, using found materials. For example triaxial or mad weaving (tensile properties and the structure it can yield … engineering, architectural and more). Oh, and also random weave … creating things, well, randomly. All building on a range of basketry techniques to create structures, collaborations, new work … mark-making, found-object creations, so many stories to discover and tell.
I can’t wait for those comfort-zone-busting times, for the excitement of new work, revisited and refreshed connections and planning new events, collaborations and opportunities. My time is now, time to breathe, time to rebuild my narrative. Please join me, share the adventures ahead.
What do I do? I collect ideas, images, things, then play with composition. Finally, I assemble: real/ imaginary townscapes, found object sculpture or 2D, re-imagined work. I love playing with words, asemic compositions, pattern and shape. Japan and France remain a strong influence on me, having lived and worked there, and speaking both languages.
More recently I’ve done a lot of cityscapes – charting buildings, architecture, power and politics, injustice, the march of technology, history and more. I use ultra-fine drafting pens to create deliberately simplified and slightly wonky collections of buildings/ features. They capture a sense of place, a slice of history and often include a spotlight on women who should be better known.
Behind all these, I’ve not lost my love of building/making things, sculptures and images – most often with a core of technology and construction running through them. My 3D printer is a growing source of inspiration and creativity, waiting to be let out when I have more time for research, development and new work. I’m excited to see where that will be going.
For the full catalogue of my Drawing the World cityscape original drawings, fine art prints and greetings cards, visit www.hillarytaylor.co.uk/store. You can also email me for other framing and delivery options (for delivery that’s close to postcode AL5) or commissions (drawing and mixed media).
Who am I? A lifetime of engineering, languages and art, alongside natural and built environments all inspire and inform my practice. I love that information and physical objects can be put together in so many ways and at the same time experienced so differently by individuals. Armed principally with pens and found materials, today I draw, write and build to explore the world around us. Sometimes I start with a specific idea, sometimes the journey dictates the outcome. Always, always, the journey is important and the outcome underpinned by research even as I assemble the final piece. Do come and see me, come and look at these snapshots that capture a moment, perhaps the essence of something, a pattern, memory, a place, a slice of history. I look forward to meeting you.
Working at the intersection of art and technology I’m always pushing materials and composition. Can tapestries be woven from old newspapers, corrugated card or tie-wraps? What happens when you reassemble an image in a different way? What’s the best use for watch/clock parts, keys, nails and all those things in our shed? What are the stories can we reveal with a box of ballet shoes or old glasses? Where can 3D printed forms be part of my landscape of assemblages? What stories do they all tell?
Although I’ve been a bit quiet recently, you can find me elsewhere on the web too:
Facebook page: HillaryTaylorStudio29
Twitter: @hillaryt29
Instagram: @hillarytaylorart
YouTube: Hillary Taylor Art
www.hillarytaylor.co.uk/store includes the full range of my Drawing the World cityscape drawing/limited edition fine art print catalogue for you to browse and perhaps purchase. I have extra framing and delivery options if you live near AL5 postcode.
email info@hillarytaylor.co.uk to book a personal virtual tour or zoom meet-up
Get in touch
Meet the artist
The artist at work
Virtual tour