Anna Schofield (Anna’s Funky Art)
Art Forms
Furniture, Homeware, Jewellery, Mixed Media, Painting, Textiles
Exhibition and News
This year Anna spent 4 months as resident artist at Welwyn Garden City Library as part of the MyStory Herts project. While there she led a number of public and private creative and nature based sessions aimed at social engagement.
This summer she led a team of artists and volunteers in a mural project to design and paint the two subways under the famous Plough Roundabout in Hemel Hempstead. the project was a huge success and involved over 20 local artists and volunteers as well as local business and services for young people. Do go and visit the subway this year as part of Open Studios when you visit Hemel Hempstead.
As well as leading regular art classes Anna also leads regular holistic day retreats where she incorporates creative practice, nature and sound therapy to support personal recovery and growth. Check out her website for latest dates and events.
After a trial run in the Spring, Anna is delighted to announce that she will be one of a team of artists delivering children’s craft workshops at the Royal Opera House in London this year at their ever popular monthly Family Sundays. If you would like to take part then do book early as spaces fill up very fast!
During Open Studios, Anna will be offering drop art experiences to anyone visiting her studio. Activities will include collage, neurographic art, watercolour flowers, zentangle and decoupage. Check her website for details and dates. Unfortunately Anna is no longer able to open her studio on Saturday 28th as advertised in the brochure.
Anna is a self-taught, intuitive, abstract artist who uses a combination of techniques and mixed media to express and reflect my emotions. She is passionate about the natural world and often include themes inspired by her time spent outdoors or forest bathing. She finds that using recycled and natural materials in her art adds an addition layer of authenticity to her work.
When Anna begins a new piece she will have a thought of what she hopes to create, but often ideas manifest and flow as the artwork develops. Anna enjoys the freedom this brings and finds the whole process of creating an artwork incredibly mindful, intuitive and relaxing.
Anna exhibit locally, leads therapeutic art workshops for adults, paint murals and community art projects, and work locally supporting people’s wellbeing through various creative projects and social prescribing.
During Open Studios, Anna will be offering drop art experiences to anyone visiting her studio. Activities will include collage, neurographic art, watercolour flowers, zentangle and decoupage. Check her website for details and dates. Unfortunately Anna is no longer able to open her studio on Saturday 28th as advertised in the brochure.
To find out more visit her website or look at the events page here on the HVA website
Get in touch
Meet the artist
The artist at work
Virtual tour